Fun With Dick and Jane Review
Fun with Dick and Jane Principle Cast: Jim Carrey, Tea Leoni Review: Jonathan McCrea Jim Carrey’s latest comedy is the first Hollywood film to attempt to satirise the Enron scandal. What with anti-capitalism being so darn sexy these days it certainly seemed the perfect time to give the regular guy on the street a voice. […]
Memoirs of a Geisha Review (Sunday Business Post)
Memoirs of A Geisha Principle cast: Ziyi Zhang, Michelle Yeoh, Li Gong Review: Jonathan McCrea It seems like cinemas are filled with nothing but adaptations these days. This month sees the release of Jarhead and Memoirs of a Geisha hot on the tails of Narnia and Harry Potter. While many could argue a case for […]
Ong Bak Review (Sunday Business Post)
Ong Bak Dir: Principle Cast: Tony Jah If you spent your teenage years watching American Ninja, No Retreat No Surrender Remo or anything from the Jean Claude Van Damme library from AWOL to Bloodsport, you will understand the unique animal that is a “martial arts” movie. Long before crouching tigers, flying daggers and angry butterflies […]
Hitch Review (Sunday Business Post)
Hitch Dir: Andy Tennant Principle Cast: Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James As if you didn’t know already, Will Smith’s new romantic comedy Hitch hits cinemas March 11th. It seems that there is always a Olympian amount of promotion behind anything Smith touches – so much so that it smacks of a guilty admission by […]
Garden State Review (Sunday Business Post)
Garden State Dir: Zach Braff Principle Cast: Zach Braff, Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard ‘The Quarterlife Crisis’. At last, that vapid feeling of disillusionment that descends upon people in their mid-twenties has a name. And a book, and a film, and probably a theme tune too if you Googled long enough. Zach Braff’s debut is a […]